GaoGaiGar-Betterman Wiki

Sara holding the seed of Socius

Sara (シャーラ) is a young Somnium appearing in The King of Kings ~GaoGaiGar Vs. Betterman~. Sometime prior to the novel, she was rescued by Lamia from a dimensional hole. Since then, she has pledged her life to Lamia, despite the risk to herself. She is also close to Gajumaru, who is often protective of her.

Unlike her companions, Sara does not typically assume a combat form. Instead, she has a tolerance for a rare type of Animus Fruit called the seed of Socius. This seed allows her to open portals called a "Socius Road" by the Somniums or an "ST Bypass" by humans. These portals allow her and the others to travel anywhere on Earth or even to Jupiter. Notably, she can use them to easily find other seeds of Socius, ensuring a constant supply. However, using them causes her significant pain, and carries the risk of her becoming lost in a dimensional hole.


  • In the novel, the Socius Road is described as opening within her body, causing her pain. In the manga, it is depicted as opening external to her.
